Kik Usernames Meet Locals Kik Sexting (18+)

Welcome to Our Community

We encourage friendly and respectful interactions among all members. Here are our guidelines to ensure a positive experience for everyone:

Behavior and Conduct:

Respect: Show respect to fellow community members and their opinions.

Harassment: Harassment or bullying of any form will not be tolerated.

Language: Avoid offensive or abusive language.

Minimum Ages

Our platform has different age requirements:

Clean list: Users must be at least 13 years old.

Dirty list/Leaked: Users must be at least 18 years old.

Prohibited Content

We strictly prohibit the following:

- Advertising illicit services ON SITE (Except Premium Accounts)
- Creating spam accounts (Maximum one active account per person)
- Doxxing
- Sharing Personally Identifiable Information (Email, phone, address etc)
- Posting illegal content/references
- Anything involving under 13 year olds

Clean Section Requirements (13+)

Regarding content on the clean section:

No sexual references or explicitly sexual content.

Dirty Section Requirements (18+)

Regarding content on the adult section:

No under 18 users or content or references.

Leaked Section Requirements (18+)

Regarding content on the leaked section:

No content under 18, no non-human images, and no sharing of personal or contact information.

Consequences of Violation:

Violation of these guidelines may result in removal of content, or removal of your account.

Repeated violations will result in stricter action being taken.


Premium users pay to advertise selling legal and adult-only content. They can mention sexual references on both lists, but can only show explicitly sexual content on the dirty list.

Official Staff:

Kik @ KF_Shadowless (Moderator)

Contact support to:
Enquire about paying for a premium account
Report technical issues

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the rules/guidelines in this page, or just need help with something on site, please reach out to one of the moderators above.

Created: 9th Sep 2021 | Last updated: 30th Nov 2023

Using this service means you have read and agree to follow our rules and all applicable laws.