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Terms of Membership
To retain your position, reach out on Telegram at @sextingfinderkeys
or send us an email via the "Contact Us" page at least
2 days before payment is due and pay in full, otherwise someone else can secure your spot.
Terms of Payment
Payment is due in full, we do not accept partial payment.
There is no negotiation, the price listed is final.
There are no refunds under any circumstances.
If paying with a credit card:
Do not use a fake name or address.
Do not use a VPN/Proxy.
We do not fulfill orders from users who are located in the Middle East, Southeast Asian countries,
Northern and Central African countries.
If you meet any of the criteria above, you must pay with crypto.
If paying with crypto:
We only accept USDC, do not send any other currency (even USDT).
Prices are subject to change without warning or notice, do not send the same amount as your last payment, always use the calculator before sending a payment.
You are responsible for covering transaction fees.