Don't compare yourself to anyone else. I don't want you to be or look like them. I want you to be who you are, exactly as you are. Your uniqueness is what makes you such a treasure. You will always be my favorite creation. I love you wit all my strength.
Dominant and Caregiving Guy is looking for a submissive Woman to Play and have some Fun together. Let's get Dirty. Share If you know a Girl ;) Daddy_caregiv91
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kalel 1 year ago
Don't compare yourself to anyone else. I don't want you to be or look like them. I want you to be who you are, exactly as you are. Your uniqueness is what makes you such a treasure. You will always be my favorite creation. I love you wit all my strength.
mike14.91 2 years ago
Dominant and Caregiving Guy is looking for a submissive Woman to Play and have some Fun together. Let's get Dirty. Share If you know a Girl ;) Daddy_caregiv91
funtime0418 2 years ago
Sexy love to hear from you