Yes, please smoke crack with him. He has less than 2 weeks left to live and it would mean the world to him if you smoked crack with him and sucked his tiny micro penis.
Kik Profile Photo
john 8 years ago
The aids has him really depressed. I'm his best friend. Please smoke crack with him.
Kik Profile Photo
john 8 years ago
You really should smoke crack with him. It helps his aids.
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john 8 years ago
Yes, please smoke crack with him. He has less than 2 weeks left to live and it would mean the world to him if you smoked crack with him and sucked his tiny micro penis.
john 8 years ago
The aids has him really depressed. I'm his best friend. Please smoke crack with him.
john 8 years ago
You really should smoke crack with him. It helps his aids.